April 26th, 2016: EpiHK officially becomes a member of IHEC

IHEC welcomes the Hong Kong Epigenomics Project as new member to the consortium

April 26, 2016

The Hong Kong Epigenomics Project (EpiHK) has recently joined the International Human Epigenome Consortium. Led by Prof Danny Leung and colleagues at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), the Hong Kong Epigenomics Project (EpiHK) consists of researchers from more than five institutions in Hong Kong. It is a collaborative project bringing together clinical researchers, basic scientists, bioengineers, and bioinformaticians to study novel aspects of epigenomics. EpiHK will be generating reference epigenomic maps of purified human cell-types from the brain, liver, skeletal muscles, and other tissues. Combining the expertise of the various members, their mission is to gain insights into the epigenetics of both normal physiology and diseases.

“We are pleased to be working closely and collaboratively with EpiHK in advancing the joint goals of IHEC, and we are looking forward to many fruitful scientific discussions and interactions to come”, Dr Eric Marcotte, Chair of the IHEC Executive Committee, welcomed the latest consortium member.

Source: IHEC News & Events April 26, 2016

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