Author name: Leung Lab

Publication: “Mouse strain-specific polymorphic provirus functions as cis-regulatory element leading to epigenomic and transcriptomic variations” in Nature Communications

Xuemeng Zhou, Tsz Wing Sam, Ah Young Lee, Danny Leung. Mouse strain-specific polymorphic provirus functions as cis-regulatory element leading to epigenomic and transcriptomic variations. Nature Communications, 12, Article number: 6462  doi: 10.1126/science.aba5510.1038/s41467-021-26630-z45

Publication: “Mouse strain-specific polymorphic provirus functions as cis-regulatory element leading to epigenomic and transcriptomic variations” in Nature Communications Read More »

Publication: “DNA repair inhibition leads to active export of repetitive sequences to the cytoplasm triggering an inflammatory response” in The Journal of Neuroscience

Song X*, Aw JTM*, Ma F, Cheung MF, Leung D#, Herrup K.# DNA repair inhibition leads to active export of repetitive sequences to the cytoplasm triggering an inflammatory response. J Neurosci. 2021 Sep 28:JN-RM-0845-21. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0845-21.2021. PMID: 34593604. *co-first authors #co-correspondent authors 

Publication: “DNA repair inhibition leads to active export of repetitive sequences to the cytoplasm triggering an inflammatory response” in The Journal of Neuroscience Read More »

August 13th, 2021: Four successful thesis defenses. Celebration for Qinghong, David, and Geena who defended their MPhil thesis and Xuemeng who defended her PhD thesis

Four successful thesis defenses. Celebration for Qinghong, David, and Geena who defended their MPhil thesis and Xuemeng who defended her PhD thesis.  

August 13th, 2021: Four successful thesis defenses. Celebration for Qinghong, David, and Geena who defended their MPhil thesis and Xuemeng who defended her PhD thesis Read More »

July 1st, 2021: Welcome to Gigi Lam, who joins the Leung lab as our technician

Welcome to Gigi Lam, who joins the Leung lab as our technician. Originally from Hong Kong. Gigi received her BSc in Biochemistry and MSc in Biotechnology from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2000 and 2002. She subsequently worked as a research assistant and then transferred to technical officer in the Division

July 1st, 2021: Welcome to Gigi Lam, who joins the Leung lab as our technician Read More »

June 12th, 2021: Clooney, Jacqueline, and Phoebe participated in The 2021 Hong Kong Inter-University Symposium in Biochemical Sciences. Congratulations to Clooney and Phoebe for winning the Best Oral Presentation awards

Clooney, Jacqueline, and Phoebe participated in The 2021 Hong Kong Inter-University Symposium in Biochemical Sciences. Congratulations to Clooney and Phoebe for winning the Best Oral Presentation awards.

June 12th, 2021: Clooney, Jacqueline, and Phoebe participated in The 2021 Hong Kong Inter-University Symposium in Biochemical Sciences. Congratulations to Clooney and Phoebe for winning the Best Oral Presentation awards Read More »

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